29 research outputs found

    Matlab Based Theft Detection

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    In this innovative project we are going to present security system that is based on IR Sensor which is interface with the MATLAB software. It displays the status of security on the computer screen also. When any person comes in the range of IR then this security system will automatically detect that person and at the same time it captures the image of that person. It will alert the owner by sending him the text message on his mobile phone. The person will get the information about the unknown detected person through captured image that is been stored in the software. This system is beneficial for preventing and detecting theft at banks, security system at the border of the country, home security, office security etc.Matlab Based Theft Detectio

    Cramer-Rao Bound on DOA Estimation of Finite Bandwidth Signals Using a Moving Sensor

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    In this paper, we provide a framework for the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation using a single moving sensor and evaluate performance bounds on estimation. We introduce a signal model which captures spatio-temporal incoherency in the received signal due to sensor motion in space and finite bandwidth of the signal, hitherto not considered. We show that in such a scenario, the source signal covariance matrix becomes a function of the source DOA, which is usually not the case. Due to this unknown dependency, traditional subspace techniques cannot be applied and conditions on source covariance needs to imposed to ensure identifiability. This motivates us to investigate the performance bounds through the Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds (CRLBs) to set benchmark performance for future estimators. This paper exploits the signal model to derive an appropriate CRLB, which is shown to be better than those in relevant literature

    Interference Localization On-Board the Satellite Using Drift Induced Virtual Array

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    Herein, we investigate the interference received from other wireless networks into a satellite communication (SATCOM) link, and review approaches to identify the interference location using on-board satellite processing. Interference is an increasing problem for satellite communication links, and while receiving signals from gateways or user terminals, the uplink is prone to disturbance by interference due to jammers or unintentional transmissions. In this paper, our aim is to localize unknown interference sources present on the ground by estimating direction of arrival (DOA) information using onboard processing (OBP) in the satellite, and the satellite drift inducing a virtual array. In this work, the signal sampled by the drifting single antenna feed is modeled as using an arbitrary array. Building on this model, we perform the 2-D DOA (azimuth and elevation) estimation. The key challenges in such a design include single snapshot based DOA estimation with low complexity and robustness, arising out of limited on-board computational complexity as well as uncertainty in parameters like the drift speed. Employing realistic satellite drift patterns, the paper illustrates the performance of the proposed technique highlighting the accuracy in localization under adverse environments. We provide numerical simulations to show the effectiveness of our methodology

    Waveform design for joint radar-communications with low complexity analog components

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    In this paper, we aim to design an efficient and low hardware complexity based dual-function multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) joint radar-communication (JRC) system. It is implemented via a low complexity analog architecture, constituted by a phase shifting network and variable gain amplifier. The proposed system exploits the multiple antenna transmitter for the simultaneous communication with multiple downlink users and radar target detection. The transmit waveform of the proposed JRC system is designed to minimize the downlink multi-user interference such that the desired radar beampattern is achieved and the architecture specific constraints are satisfied. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex and in general difficult to solve. We propose an efficient algorithmic solution based on the primal-dual framework. The numerical results show enhanced performance of the proposed approach when compared to existing state-of-the-art fully-digital method

    Waveform Design for Joint Radar-Communications with Low Complexity Analog Components

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    In this paper, we aim to design an efficient and low hardware complexity based dual-function multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) joint radar-communication (JRC) system. It is implemented via a low complexity analog architecture, constituted by a phase shifting network and variable gain amplifier. The proposed system exploits the multiple antenna transmitter for the simultaneous communication with multiple downlink users and radar target detection. The transmit waveform of the proposed JRC system is designed to minimize the downlink multi-user interference such that the desired radar beampattern is achieved and the architecture specific constraints are satisfied. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex and in general difficult to solve. We propose an efficient algorithmic solution based on the primal-dual framework. The numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach


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    Multiantenna signal processing (MASP) is indispensable in many applications like wireless communications, radar, seismology, etc. Large-scale antenna arrays (LSAAs) are envisioned for future wireless communication systems to improve the range, power, and spectral efficiency (SE) of existing systems. Thus, for a practical multiantenna wireless communication system, efficient and scalable signal processing (SP) algorithms are essential to optimize system operations. In this thesis, we address several facets of such system optimization including beampattern matching, SE maximization among others. These are formulated as nonconvex optimization problems and the thesis proposes novel, efficient, and scalable optimization algorithms with theoretical convergence guarantees. We first consider the problem of transmit analog beamforming (or phase-only beamforming) design by solving a beampattern matching problem. We formulate variants of the unit-modulus/constant-modulus least-squares problem. To attempt at solving these NP-hard problems, we propose efficient and scalable algorithms based on different optimization frameworks including alternating minimization, majorization-minimization (MM), and cyclic coordinate descent (CCD). The proposed algorithms are theoretically shown to converge to a Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) point of the corresponding optimization problem while offering superior performance. We also provide a use case in satellite communications where a desired two-dimensional beampattern is approximated using a planar array by designing the analog beamforming system. Building on the previous problem, we consider a joint array design and beampattern matching perspective and formulate variants of sparse unit-modulus or sparse constant-modulus least-squares. The optimization problems are solved using combinations of different optimization frameworks such as variable projection/elimination, MM, and block/alternating MM. Next, we consider the problem of hybrid transceiver design for a single user point-to-point multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system employing LSAAs. We solve this problem based on the variable projection/elimination and MM frameworks. The proposed algorithms are shown to converge to a stationary point. We also study the applications of the proposed algorithms for hybrid precoding design for satellite communications. We then generalize convergence proofs from the earlier sections by providing a unified convergence proof for solving a generic block-structured optimization problem over nonconvex constraints. Finally, we consider the problem of localizing sources in the far-field of a spatio-temporal array formed by a single moving sensor along a known trajectory. We provide a novel signal model capturing the incoherency in the measurements sampled by the moving sensor. We establish different Cramér-Rao bounds for the considered system model by exploiting varying degrees of information, propose and study various direction of arrival (DOA) estimators. The thesis concludes by summarizing the main contributions and some open research problems


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    To maintain the nuclear integrity of somatic cells that provide beneficial traits for cloning, tissue culture techniques are used to culture cells in vitro using a growth medium supplemented with serum. Scientists have commonly used growth medium containing 10% serum when growing cells. The aim of this project was to examine the effect of different Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) concentrations from 0-70% added to growth medium on goat skin fibroblast proliferation. 20,000 fibroblast cells were added to 1.5 ml of DMEM growth medium supplemented with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 percent FBS in each of the wells of a 24-well microtiter plate. Cells were grown for three days at 37 degrees Celsius in a CO2 incubator. Results showed that addition of FBS to the medium increased the proliferation of fibroblast cells where maximal proliferation was observed at a concentration of 50% FBS. Further increase in FBS concentration to 60% and 70% led to a decline in fibroblast proliferation. The growth curve obtained using 10% FBS showed a decline in cell numbers after nine days. In contrast, cells grown in 50% FBS showed consistent growth until day twelve with a 15-fold increase in cell count as compared to cells grown in 10% FBS. In conclusion, to obtain an adequate number of cells for cloning, scientists can more efficiently grow fibroblast cells using 50% FBS which allows for a significant increase in cell proliferation as compared to the existing method of using 10% FBS

    Constant-Envelope Precoding for Satellite Systems

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    In this paper, Constant-Envelope Precoding techniques are presented for satellite-based communication systems. In the developed transmission technique the signals of the antennas are designed to be of constant amplitude, improving the robustness of the latter to the non-linear distortions on satellite systems, introduced by the employed on-board Traveling-Wave-Tube-Amplifiers. We consider the forward link of a multi-beam broadband satellite system where the aim is to design the signals at the gateway such that the desired symbols are transmitted to the intended user terminals and the transmitted signals from the satellite terminal are of constant amplitude. At first, the gateway signals are designed given that a fixed on-board beamformer is applied to the satellite terminal. Then, the case of an adaptive on-board beamformer is considered which is designed jointly with the gateway signals. The design of the gateway signals and the adaptive on-board beamformer, in the second case, requires solving difficult nonconvex problems. Efficient algorithmic solutions are developed based on the saddle point method. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is verified via numerical results

    Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems with Constant-Modulus and Similarity Constraints

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    In this paper, the problem of joint transmit waveform and receive filter design for dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) systems is studied. A multiple antenna base station (BS) serving multiple single antenna users on the downlink is assumed. Furthermore, the BS simultaneously accommodates sensing capabilities in the form of point-like target detection from the reflected return signals in a signal-dependent interference environment. The core objective of the present paper is to design the optimal waveform and radar receive filter such that the derived waveform satisfies constant-modulus and similarity to known waveform constraints that are of particular importance to the radar's part operation. The proposed designs are derived through the solution to difficult non-convex optimization problems. To that end, novel algorithmic solutions with guaranteed convergence are developed for the solution of the aforementioned problems. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions is verified via simulations